Ephesians 4:12


Stoneybrook Golf & Country Club of Sarasota
NOVEMBER 12, 2024 AT 6PM


Tara Golf & Country Club Bradenton
NOVEMBER 14, 2024 AT 6PM

God is at work through LoveServes, equipping churches to bring His love and hope to lost and broken-hearted people.

Jesus said, “Go Therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20 (The Great Commission)

LoveServes exists to help the Church fulfill the Mission of Jesus.
41% of the world’s population is unreached with the gospel.
This means 3.23 billion people still remain separated from God’s love

LoveServes trains pastors to understand that their role is “… to equip his people (church members) for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up (Ephesians 4:12).”  LoveServes trained churches are outwardly focused – loving their neighbors by helping meet their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. That awakens those in the community who are spiritually dead to see and receive the love of Christ and become disciples who make disciples who make disciples!

Last year, over 17,656 adults accepted Jesus through relationships with LoveServes trained churches! That impact is multiplied as those new believers then share their faith with their families and friends.

Together we can multiply churches in all nations to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus!

LoveServes is a Kingdom movement!

Please DONATE TODAY to join us On Mission to reach more people for Christ here in the United States, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, El Salvador, Jamaica, Venezuela and around the world.


Pastors are rediscovering the joy

Pastors are rediscovering the joy of the ministry and the vision God gave to equip His people for works of service, to see their congregation motivated and engaged, a unified body of Christ on mission, loving and serving in their local communities.  Our program focuses on three strategic points.

Stories of Life Change

Stories and updates from the LoveServes team in the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and United States. Click on our highlight story from our blog. Jose’s Story

Jose Hernandez

Jose's story- helping to repair homes devastated by a hurricane Watch how Christ is now working through joseEQUIPPING...

Restoring Communities

Alexander's story- sharing the gospel on the basketball courts. Watch how Christ is now working through...

Rejection to Redemption

From Rejection to Redemption!The sting of rejection is even greater when it comes from a parent to their child. That was...

Guatemala Impact

TRANSFORMATION in Guatemala What do you think when someone mentions the “global impact of COVID-19”? If you are like...

Carlos heard the good news

Carlos heard the good news about Jesus Christ and his life was transformed. Watch how Christ is now working through...

Active laborers of the harvest

444 churches across the island reached 7,346 homes. What a testimony to churches that are awakened and activated to be...

Transformation of Jose Rafael

An outcast teenager named Jose Rafael (JR) from the rural region of Bani, Dominican Republic (DR) Watch how God shows up...

Awaken Event

Watch the LIVE STREAM   CLICK on the Awaken Event video that was live streamed on YouTube.About The Event LoveServes is...

New Beginning for Hipolito

Can you think of anything more important than saving someone from dying? At LoveServes, we get to be part of God’s work...

In The Midst Of Uncertainty

God has moved in big ways in the midst of big uncertainty!Like many countries during the global pandemic, the D.R....


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3310 US Hwy 301 North
Ellenton, Fl 34222

AAVI, Inc. DBA LoveServes International is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible in full or in part.  EIN: 65-0406418