LoveServes has a vision to develop
Healthy Churches
What is a “healthy church“?
LoveServes has a vision to develop Healthy Churches in all nations, equipping God’s people to make disciples, who make disciples. (Matthew 28:19a…make disciples of all nations).
Christian A. Schwarz, the founder of the Institute for Natural Church Development, spent years researching over 1,000 churches in 32 different countries to study church growth. Through this research, Schawarz was able to summarize eight core characteristics of a healthy church that are internationally recognized as accurate indicators, regardless of where the church may be on the planet.

Eight core characteristics of a healthy church

Indicators of a healthy church
The leaders are committed, body and soul, to the spiritual growth of the church and to empowering others to lead according to their gifts.

Believers are using their spiritual gifts to serve others, thereby building up the Kingdom of God.

The majority of the members are living their faith with fervor and contagious enthusiasm.

Church structures are evaluated on the basis of whether they contribute to quality growth of God’s Kingdom.

Services are a highlight of the week for most of the congregation and inspire action throughout the week.

Authentic love and healing power can be experienced where individual Christians find intimate community, practical help and intensive spiritual interaction.

Christians, according to their gifts, help fulfill the Great Commission through sharing the Gospel while meeting needs of those who are without Christ.

The love of Christ pervades almost all individuals and the activities of the church.
Walking alongside Pastors, mentoring and coaching them.
A healthy church that is outwardly focused – loving their neighbors by helping to meet their physical, emotional and spiritual needs – takes ownership of a holistic vision for restoration of their community. A healthy church becomes the catalyst for change. Church members equipped with a holistic vision for their community respond by ministering to those around them, awakening those who are spiritually dead to see and receive the love of Christ and the opportunity to accept the Gospel. This is the fruit of a healthy church, rediscovering the joy of great spiritual harvest.
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Ellenton, Fl 34222
AAVI, Inc. DBA LoveServes International is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible in full or in part. LoveServes International is a GuideStar Platinum Participant EIN: 65-0406418