Restored people restore communities
The LoveServes team is excited to share the latest news, updates and stories from our work in the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Brazil and the United States. SubscribeAlexander’s story- sharing the gospel on the basketball courts.
Watch how Christ is now working through Alexander
Imagine if we could change the world together, one community at a time. It seems far-fetched, but isn’t that God’s plan? Changing the world by restoring people to a relationship with Him. Jesus asked us (the Church) to join in that plan….to love our neighbors. Restored people can restore communities.
Alexander is a member of a local church in Haina in the Dominican Republic. His ministry work is on the basketball court. Alexander connects with local youth through their shared passion for basketball. Please take a minute to watch Alexander’s story.
Alexander is seeing the lives of many young men and women in Haina being transformed through this ministry

Alexander is seeing the lives of many young men and women in Haina being transformed through this ministry.
Not only is Alexander ministering, but other church members are loving their neighbors in practical ways as well and the impact is supernatural.
It all started with a vision. Their pastor went through LoveServes training over 10 years ago and learned what it meant to have a vision for his community. LoveServes mentored him to identify the greatest needs in the community and then assisted him in equipping the church members to do the work needed to meet those needs. (Ephesians 4:12)
The work of the church members is an expression of their love for Jesus. As community members begin to experience the love of Christ through their outreach and care, hearts are being opened to hear about the hope of the Gospel message.
God continues to show up in a big way! The result?
Community members are accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Lives are being transformed as relationships are restored.
Alcoholism, gambling and other addictions are overcome.
Domestic violence is greatly reduced.Their community is being restored.
This church in Haina is one of over 3,200 churches in 4 countries that have been impacted by LoveServes. Would you help us continue to equip church to restore their communities.
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